Namibian Government

The National Planning Commission is the Main Partner of the Project and oversees the proper implementation of EPDN. The National Planning Commission chairs the Project Steering Committee The team and the NPC staff are in regular contact with the team and has the final say in how the resources of the project are allocated

The NPC Mandate is derived from the Article 129 of the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia and the National Planning Commission Act 2013 (Act 2 of 2013).

National Planning Commission is mandated to:

• Spearhead the identification of Namibia’s socio-economic development priorities.

• Formulate short-term, medium-term, and long-term national development plans in consultation with regional councils.

• Develop monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure effective implementation of the national development plans.

• Evaluate the effectiveness of Government socio-economic policies.

• Coordinate the development of government socio-economic policies to ensure consistency; and

• Mobilize, manage, and coordinate international development cooperation.

• provide advisory services to achieve sustainable socio-economic development.

Thus, NPC is not an implementing institution of Government

What does NPC do?

The Directorate's main task is to mobilize, coordinate, and manage development cooperation with partners to support the overarching goals of NDPs, complementing domestic public resources.

The role of the National Planning Commission in engaging and promoting CSO's Work

One of the functions of the National Planning Commission’s helpdesk is engaging in and coordinating Civil Society – Government cooperation

By: Ester !Nanus, National Development adviser NPC

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