
The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture and the MURD are member of the project steering committee. EPDN is grateful for their participation We are aiming at bringing Civil Society and these Ministries in a closer contact. Thus the stakeholders will be able to improve project identification, formluation And implementation to the benefit of the Namibian people

Ministry of Urban and Rural Development


To be the leading institution in ensuring effective governance as well as sustainable urban and rural development.


To provide requisite policy, legal, regulatory and financial support for effective regional and local governance and development.

Legislation that guides the work of this Ministry Legislation - GRN Portal (

Services this Ministry provides to the people of Namibia Services - GRN Portal (

Ministry of Education Arts and Culture

Our Mandate: “To educate and train for sustainable national development and promote Arts and Culture” The Ministry was established with the key objective to provide quality inclusive education and training for national development. The goal of the Ministry is to ensure that our common commitment to progress in education, arts and culture is oriented towards ensuring that our combined efforts and resources have the maximum possible impact in areas that are of significance.


Strategic plan Ministry Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022

Position papers and National Conference on Education 2022 National Conference on Education

Basic Education Act 3 of 2020 Ministry of Education